Wednesday, May 4, 2011

say cheese(cake)

not surprisingly, sugar free snacks are a problem (read: trigger) for me. i had been dying for a piece of cheesecake for some reason, and discovered that shoprite sells a good one. it's small so it didn't seem too dangerous to have around, but the truth is, although i only ate one serving, i could have eaten many one sitting. goes down a lot easier than grilled chicken. and at 250 calories a slice, just not a good choice.

i've also tried these and these and this frosting (creates a problem you don't want to know about).

god help me if i ever find SF cupcakes. 

as for the cheesecake, maybe i'll bring it to someone's house the next time i'm tasked with dessert, enjoy a slice and leave the rest there. what i've discovered is the same truth most people who watch their weight arrive at - it's best to go out for the treat instead of bringing it into the house. 

i know for me, even if i'm not overeating these sugar free treats, the fact that i'm eating them at all bugs me, for a few reasons. first, because they're packed with chemicals and artificial flavors and that makes me cringe, and second because when they're in my house, they call my name. so when it's time for a snack, the odds of me choosing some cut up cucumbers or a string cheese is slim to none when there's a cheesecake sitting there.
these realizations shed light on just how much the surgery is only a tool. it's up to me to use it and to make good decisions every second of every day.

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