Wednesday, March 23, 2011


this morning as i got ready in the bathroom mirror, i didn't flinch at the sight of my fingers and my forearms. they looked trimmer than i've ever seen them. my medical id bracelet is already sliding halfway up my arm, and almost off my hand when facing the ground. it's as if the really extra layers of fat have peeled away. my fingers have always bothered me ... i've felt like they looked like short pieces of sausage. positive self-talk my ass, you should have seen my fingers! they are one of the body parts i have been taking pictures of as i lose weight to keep track of the change. i'm glad i've done that, and i know i must post all my progress pics here ASAP. just trying to figure out what the best way to do it is, in blog form.

never mind my upper arms, though. in some ways, a bigger problem than before because the once full skin is now less full, and sagging and wrinkling. i realize i will most definitely have to wear full sleeves to my sister's wedding. even if i've lost a lot more weight by then, there's no way i won't need arm coverage. not a problem for me, since the styles i gravitate toward are actually on the matronly side. i guess we adapt, right?

i try not to think about the inevitable need for "plastics" as they're called in the bariatric world - nips and tucks and lifts i'll undoubtedly need. i try to put that out of my mind for now...seems like a lot to think about otherwise.

for today, i choose to focus on my thin(ner) fingers. mitchell is sad to see my old fingers go, though he's thrilled at my success and increasing health. it's nice that he thought they were cute, but nicer that they're not "cute" anymore.

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