Wednesday, April 20, 2011

why is this night different than all other nights?

so we had seders monday night and last night for passover and we were with my family and mitchell's family, respectively. i thought in advance about what the holiday would be like with my new restrictions. i wondered if i should bring food with me in case...i decided not to, though i did bring dressing packets (great for everyone to have on hand!) since most salad dressings don't work for me (too much sugar).

both days on our drives, i had some cheese (best new trader joe's product - individual brie wheels!) and some nuts so i was fine when we arrived. then while there, i had gefilte fish and a little turkey -- same deal both nights. oh, and some chicken broth, no matzoh balls. i might or might not have been okay tasting the matzoh balls, but it's total carb overload and i didn't want to risk it. and you know, it just didn't feel that important to me.

of course, i got lots of great feedback from people which made me feel great. what made me feel the best was that there wasn't a single chair i couldn't fit into and i didn't have to ask people to get up to let me out to use the bathroom or vice versa. and mitchell and i didn't feel too tightly packed in at the table - i could move my arms on both sides and didn't feel like i was encroaching on anyone else's space.

at the seder, we always end by saying "next year in jerusalem" as a sign of hope and promise. this year, i'll amend that to "next year in a size 12." AMEN! 

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